Gimme gomma, Suriname

In Suriname, 25th of  February, is Day of Liberation and Innovation (previously known as Revulution Day). On that day they want to cite the revolution as an act of liberation and focus on the innovation and progress of the nation since then.

This holiday has always been controversial.
In 1980, after only a few years of independence, a military coup (led by Desi Bouterse) overthrew an admittedly corrupt sitting government. Bouterse soon became the ruler of the country, even when he wasn’t officially installed as president.
Under his dictatorship, the nation was a one-party state and lacked many basic freedoms. There were also reports of corruption and executions of opponents.
His regime was finally removed by election in 1991, but he later became president in 2010 and designated 25 February as a national holiday.
There is a special ceremony held at the Monument of the Revolution, the very spot where the Bouterse revolution began in 1980.

All this put aside, I made delicious cornstach cookies, called gomma or cornstach cookies. They are really light, crunchy on the outside, rather soft on the inside. 
I'm tempted to bake these again one day...
